To review: I met the Israeli in Israel a couple years ago. This is what happened. In a nutshell I spent the night at his kibbutz and he couldn't keep it up after putting on a condom. So no love for Kinky.
Kinky and the Israeli keep in touch over broken English emails. Israeli goes to Central America and says he's going to come visit. I don't know what to expect.
I told him he could visit for two days. I just wasn’t really comfortable with him staying with me for more than that. I just wasn’t. I wasn’t even sure when he would be coming into town. I had a test to study for and, of course, I had to be at work. So a couple days would be all that I really wanted him around for.
He took that to mean “a few” days I guess. Which probably meant a couple weeks to an Isreali kibbutznic.
I ended up picking him up from the airport. I’m not sure why his friends didn’t pick him up. He had been traveling with them through Central America for 5 months. They were probably sick of him.
Nevertheless, My roommate and I picked him up from the airport and we went directly to a show I had already bought tickets for. I bought him an extra ticket. He smelled AWFUL. I feel really bad for the person he was sitting net to on the plane. I know they have showers in South America... wait a minute he was flying in from visiting his cousins in the States... wtf?
I told him he could visit for two days. I just wasn’t really comfortable with him staying with me for more than that. I just wasn’t. I wasn’t even sure when he would be coming into town. I had a test to study for and, of course, I had to be at work. So a couple days would be all that I really wanted him around for.
He took that to mean “a few” days I guess. Which probably meant a couple weeks to an Isreali kibbutznic.
I ended up picking him up from the airport. I’m not sure why his friends didn’t pick him up. He had been traveling with them through Central America for 5 months. They were probably sick of him.
Nevertheless, My roommate and I picked him up from the airport and we went directly to a show I had already bought tickets for. I bought him an extra ticket. He smelled AWFUL. I feel really bad for the person he was sitting net to on the plane. I know they have showers in South America... wait a minute he was flying in from visiting his cousins in the States... wtf?
I picked him up, he looked good though. His hair had grown out and he was sporting a jew-fro. It was cute.
When we got to the club's bar, I asked flirtatiously, “You’re going to buy us drinks right?” Didn’t I just pick him up from the airport and pay for his ticket to get into the show. He said, of course, and bought them with no arguments. It was a good show, even though he continued to smell bad.
When we got to my house, I requested that he shower. I also had to decide where he was going to sleep: in my bed or on the couch? Due to our history, I just wasn’t sure if I wanted to go down that route again. I ended up deciding that I wanted him in my bed. And due to his “sexual” problems, I don’t even count what we did as “sex.” It lasted a very, very short amount of time. I was disappointed. He didn’t say anything.
The second night we stayed at my brother’s house to dog sit. During the day I drove him around town, showing him the sites. He didn’t seem too excited. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. He never said 'thank you', or offered to pay for anything.
That night as we were walking around with a friend, we saw two naked men just walking down the street, adorned with only shoes and cock-rings. It was hysterical. He was so embarrassed. Oh, I love watching people as they are pushed outside their comfort zone.
That night I stayed away from him in bed. I just didn’t want to go through it again. It wasn’t worth it.
Saturday morning I was feeling sweet and got up and made breakfast while he slept. He slept and slept and slept. No problem except his food got cold. When he woke up, he ate it. All he said was “You made this?” That’s it.
I showed him around town more for the rest of the day and outright requested that he pay for lunch. I didn’t have a fulltime job, I was not rolling in the cash. It was his turn to pay.
The next day I had made plans to meet up with some girlfriends of mine, his plans kept changing making me late for my friends. I was getting really angry. Who the hell did this guy think he was?
He still didn’t have much to say, especially “thank you.” And he certainly didn’t seem too excited to be in town. I was so angry at his lack of respect and consideration for me. I felt used. Frustrated, I asked him to pay me back for the ticket to the show we had seen on his first night in town.
“How much was ticket?” He asked in broken English.
“Well I bought you a drink, so I’ll give you $15.”
Um, no. Are you fucking serious? You’re going to give me the full $25. I’ve let you stay at my house, I cook for you and drive you around town? If we were having a great time and having amazing sex that would be one thing, maybe it would be worth it. But neither of these things were occurring. Who do you think you are? My lame-ass smelly boyfriend?
Of course I didn’t say this. I just made it clear that I didn’t want him to stay at my house that Sunday night. I asked that his friends come by the house later to pick up his stuff.
That night, after spending a nice day with my girlfriends, I was sitting in the living room talking to my roommates, waiting for him to come by and pick up his stuff. I went into my room and the door leading to the outside (I live in the old garage and have my own entrance) was wide open. His stuff was gone.
He had entered my home, taken his stuff and left. No 'thank you', nothing.
Are you kidding? How fucked up is that?
At least I figured he was mad enough, or embarrassed enough that I wouldn’t be hearing from him again.
Are you kidding? How fucked up is that?
At least I figured he was mad enough, or embarrassed enough that I wouldn’t be hearing from him again.
One of his friends that he had been traveling around Central America with was from the area and stuck around for several months working and saving money. I saw her and had to ask her what he had said about me.
"He was sad and he knew you were really angry at him."
Oh well, this didn't really make me feel bad. I told her about the sexual issues.
"Really?" I knew the other guys at the kibbutz tease him about that, but I didn't think it was true!
Okay, now I felt better.
I never heard from him again. Thank god.