Friday, November 2, 2007

The one who was my boyfriend when I was 4

I think our families met at family camp. My brother and Jared's dad met on the playground and it was love at first sight. Our mothers have a very sisterly relationship where one makes the other crazy but always forgives. Our mothers also figured that since they each had a child the same age, those children should hang out.

And hang out we did.

We watched lots of movies together, I still think of Jared whenever I see Back to the Future, it's just something built into my brain. Jared IS Marty McFly.

I remember showering with Jared when I was 4. I looked down and thought, "what's that?" I'm sure he thought the same thing too.

We went to high school together and even though we ran in completely different circles, we still hung out at family functions. Our mothers bought an ad in our senior yearbook with the two of us in the bathtub together. It was great! Not mortifying at all Mom, thanks a lot!

We had sleepovers. I think we would kiss good night, but I couldn't be sure.

I do remember that Jared snored a bit though, and I'm a light sleeper, even back then. And I could never sleep well in strange places. I know that at least once I called my Dad and had him come pick me up in the middle of the night. I was pretty embarrassed by that. I would never do that again: leave a guys house before he woke up, but it would happen to me twenty years later (The one who managed a musician)! Maybe it was karma...

And I know I have pictures somewhere with Jared modeling some of my clothes, maybe it was in junior high? I'm to saving these just in case I have blackmailing needs in the future.

I still see Jared and his "little" brother at my parents house for holidays. They have become perfect specimen of men: tall (like 6'4"), tan (they love to surf), muscular (they work out like crazy), and damn good looking. Not only that, but they are super smart too, Jared is a doctor, a GOOD doctor that's already published and went to Senegal to volunteer at an orphanage for a summer! (he got typhoid, but that's another story), and the younger brother wants to get a business degree. They're a Jewish mother's dream right?

Every time I seem them it kinda blows me away, and sadly, they are more like my brothers or cousins than just two good looking guys. So I could never look at them that way. They're way too damn tall for me anyway.


Freelancer said...

you were allowed to have sleepovers with boys? I'm so jealous!

kinkybootbeasts said...

Just this boy. And I think it was because it was easier on our parents, except when they had to pick me up at 2 in the morning...