Saturday, April 12, 2008

The one that made my heart skip a beat: Addendum

Oh the joys of the internet.

Guess who is now on *that* networking site. Yup: the one that made my heart skip a beat.

He wishes me love and happiness, what a sweet one.

He's now a professional singer, still living in my home town. He's got a big band. They go to Japan and places like that, they must love that he's half Asian over there. He's got an album too. He's even got a stage name, I think because the Polish one wasn't working for him.

He looks exactly the same.

I have absolutely no crush on him anymore. But I do very much want to hear a recording of him singing. Don't you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally meant to forward you the email I got from him. He said he was talking to someone about me from the singing days and I told him you and I were talking about Lily's Eyes :) At the end of his email he said to tell you hello :) and I TOTALLY thought of the post. So cute. My bad for not forwarding, I suck at these things. Sometimes the internet is fun.