So I guess I understood when Woody Allen got a little weird about me referring to my "friends." (I call him Woody Allen because he was a nebbishy Jewish Lawyer).
Over IM (BEFORE I met him) while I was on a business trip:
"So what did you do this evening?"
"I went to a comedy club with a friend of a friend. I met him a couple weeks ago and promised to hang out when I was in town."
"So are you going to see this person again."
I finally called Woody on it, he explained that the dating site that we had met on was prone to being very sexually promiscuous. "You never know what someone means by the word 'friend' anymore."
Okay, I guess I could see that. Could have just asked me though instead of being subtly rude.
Also, he tended to accost me every time I hopped online. It was annoying, especially when it was midnight and I just wanted to check my email before bed.
I actually did go out with Woody, and the date was actually okay. I had a couple of drinks and probably told him a little too much about myself. I told him that my longest relationship was only 4 months. Oops...ammunition he would use against me later.
After the date, I didn't hear from Woody and he didn't hear from me. I figured I would go out with him again if he called though. Five days later I sign on really quickly to check email, he IM's me and we chat a little bit.
He says "I had a good time the other night, and I felt like the conversation flowed well, but I got the feeling you weren't really into me." Honesty! I can appreciate that.
My phone rings, it's my boss. "Can't talk now! Sorry!" Woody signs off while waiting for me to get back to him and his awkward statement, but sends me an email saying that we can talk about it later.
I go to play a gig and come back around midnight and start writing back to him. I was trying to figure out if I wanted to go out with him again, give him a second chance.. Woody IM's me the moment I'm closing the browser. I do not feel like having this conversation this late at night.
I get another email from him. "Nevermind." It says.
Uh, what?
I go back to my email, and rewrite it. "What the hell was that "nevermind" all about? Are you angry or frustrated with me?" It says basically. "No the vibe was not there, good luck in your dating adventures."
The next morning I wake up to this email:
I wasn't angry with the "nevermind," just resolute in my certainty of the outcome.Did I mention that this is after ONE DATE???
To be honest, I wasn't sure if we were relationship material, but I was open to seeing what happened between us. It can be hard for people to be themselves and make an amazing connection during something as inherently awkward as a blind date. Besides, some amazing relationships start with a slow burn instead of fireworks.
Unfortunately, I could tell that you weren't of the same mind. And at the risk of sounding cruel or meanspirited, I think your focus on instant chemistry is probably why your longest relationship has been 4 months long.
No hard feelings. I do hope you find something lasting. Take care.
ONE DATE, people!!
I wanted to write Woody back and tell him he had no idea what he was talking about and to go eff himself. But I let it go.
Fly, fly nebbishy Woody Allen man who is so uptight and annoying!!
Good luck finding a cynical and jaded woman to make happy.
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