Sunday, January 27, 2008

addendum to the one who didn't know how to make up for it

I found out today that the one who didn't know how to make up for it lost his virginity to me. (That makes at least two.) I thought there was a girl before me, but I guess he either lied to me at the time or I heard what I wanted to hear.

He said to me, "Yeah remember how bad it was the first time?" And I'm like, "which time?" I didn't really say that, I just kinda smiled uncomfortably...

He also told me that I was dating him during a very dark period in his life. Really?

Lucky me.


Anonymous said...

Wow. I've never been with a virgin but I guess that explains a lot? And how lucky are you to get not only a virgin but a virgin in a dark place. AWESOME!

kinkybootbeasts said...

I know! It's like, how on earth do I respond to this, especially four years after the fact. Actually, it might explain absolutely nothing, but I didn't want to get into it with him. I don't need to know...

Anonymous said...

They call being with a virgin "earning your white wings." Or at least, I do. :)

kinkybootbeasts said...

What if you've been with two? Can I earn a white wedding dress? You know like, the way two wrongs could make a right?